Navigating the Buying Committee with Tom Williams


Thomas J. Williams is the founder and CEO of Strategic Dynamics Inc, a firm which helps sales organisations sell more effectively by markedly improving their new hire candidate assessment process, sales productivity and business acumen. He is also the co-author of The Seller’s Challenge: How Top Sellers Master 10 Deal Killing Obstacles in B2B Sales. […]

Making Channel Sales Work with Marcus Cauchi, Part 2

inquisitor podcast mofu sales

Secrets to sales hiring, effective qualifying and the importance of ongoing self-development with Marcus Cauchi. 90% of technology will be sold through the channel by 2026 (Forrester). But do we have enough priority on getting our channel sales approach right? So what does great channel sales management look like and what are the implications of […]

Jeff Davis Creating Togetherness. Bridge the Divide Between Sales & Marketing

Jeff Davis

Jeff has worked in sales and marketing for over 15 years (interestingly after beginning his career as a NASA engineer! The B2B sales world is blessed that he is truly passionate about sales and marketing alignment. Misalignment between sales and marketing costs B2B companies 10% of revenue or more per year! How do you bridge […]

B2B Social Selling Podcast Transcript with Jack Kosakowski


CEO of Creation Agency, a full service B2B marketing agency, Jack Kosakowski joined me on the Future Proof Selling Podcast to talk about Social Selling. As an expert on the B2B seller’s approach to social, Jack shares his insight with us over 30 minutes. “You’re only going to get so much out of an organic […]

Overcome “No Decision” with Calum and John Podcast Transcript

Calum Kilgour and John Bissett

No decision in sales is a huge pain point in modern B2B. Calum, John and I discussed this at length and covered some other great areas including the issue of a crowded marketplace, and how to replicate the greatness of your rockstar salespeople through sales enablement. How can you get the other 60-70% of your […]

Making Channel Sales Work | Marcus Cauchi Podcast Pt 1

inquisitor podcast mofu sales

90% of technology will be sold through the channel by 2026 (Forrester). But do we have enough priority on getting our channel sales approach right? So what does great channel sales management look like and what are the implications of getting it wrong? Marcus Cauchi co-wrote the book “Making Channel Sales Work” and is a […]

Social Media for B2B Sales With Jack Kosakowski


Jack Kosakowski is the CEO of Creation Agency(US Division), a B2B marketing agency helping fast growing tech companies and some big brands drive their business forward with innovative digital strategies. Jack is an expert and pioneer of Social Selling and shares a framework for how B2B sellers should be approaching social. All sales leaders need […]

Chris Connelly Podcast Transcript: Why CX is Critical in Today’s Sales

Mr Chris Connelly is the VP for Customer Success Management at SAP Asia Pacific Japan. SAP serves over 425,000 customers in over 180 countries. Chris was formally the Customer Success Director for Salesforce, and also headed up IBM’s cloud consulting group. As well as his deep experience in technology, Chris also served as a commanding […]

Sales Win Loss Analysis Cian McLoughlin Transcript


Pleasure to post the Podcast Transcript from my interview with Cian McLoughlin, expert on win loss analysis. I have had a lot of discussions with people about this episode. Cian is founder of Trinity Perspective, a sales consulting firm specialising in win-loss analysis. He is also the author of Rebirth of a Salesman. Cian explains how […]

Sales Enablement Tamara Schenk Podcast Transcript


Sales Enablement is a fast growing discipline with 59% of sales organisations currently reporting a sales enablement initiative or function compared to only 19% in 2013. Tamara Shenk, Research Director at CSO Insights, the research division of Miller Heiman, discusses what sales enablement is all about, the key trends emerging and what’s critical to make […]